Today is WWE Divas Champion Mickie James' birthday!
Yes, 30 years ago today Mickie was born in Montpelier, Virginia.
So Happy Birtday Mickie!
No doubt spurred on by Fox's "Wrestlicious", TNA is again talking about an all Knockouts TV Show.
Okay, maybe not spurred by Wrestlicious, maybe TNA is just really serious about the womens division.
After all, they are bringing the tag team belts back right?
This is something I've been wishing the WWE would do for years.
(Actually, didnt I read somewhere that SmackDown was originally supposed to be a WWE Diva show?)
And speaking of the WWE, they have signed another Diva talent.
Someone from the Indy ranks with years of wrestling experience that will enhance the womens wrestling division right?
They signed 21 year old Trinity McCray, a dancer for the Orlando Magic.
She's starting training at Florida Championship Wrestling.
And Back to TNA, as you probably already have heard, Roxxi will be returning to TNA for the Knockout Tag Team Title Tournament.
Rumor has it that she will be partnering with Madison Rayne.
I wonder if they are gonna keep Roxxi and Rhaka Khan seperated?
As of right now, here is the line up for the Knockout Tag Team Title Tournament...
1.Traci Brooks and Sharmell versus Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed
(Kong and Saeed won which kinda stunned me because I figured Traci would win (upcoming PR) and Saeed would lose to develop Alissa Flash.)
2. Taylor Wilde and Sarita versus Daffney and Alissa Flash
3. The Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne and Roxxi
4. Hamada and Sojo Bolt vs. Tara and Christy Hemme (Interesting choice considering Christy and Tara's past history).
The September 14th edition of Monday Night Raw will be hosted by former WWE Diva Trish Stratus., has an interview posted with the Diva.
You can read the interview here
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