Monday, August 5, 2013

Layla El - Heel Again

Well, well, well....look who just turned heel again.
Yep, on the August 2nd episode of SmackDown Layla El came down with Kaitlyn to cheer her on in a match against WWE Divas champion AJ Lee.
But guess what?
Layla turned heel and betrayed AJ.
Of course this is really no surprise since The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reported that Layla would turn heel way back on July 11th, 2013.
And I like Layla much better as a heel anyway.
Is it wrong that I like most of the Divas as Heels?

So how many times is this that Layla has turned?
I don't know...I kinda lost track.
Maybe someone should create a "Heel Turn" website.

She was a great heel with Michelle McCool as LayCool and before that when she was managing William Regal.
But what's her end game here?
Is she gonna get into AJ's good graces then turn on her?
Maybe she looked at Kaitlyn as her only rival and decided this was the best way to eliminate her and position herself for a WWE Divas title shot.
Maybe I am giving the WWE writers way too much credit.
With fourteen ladies on the WWE Diva roster now, if done right, this could be interesting....

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