Monday, August 17, 2009

So Is ODB the New TNA Knockout Champion?

ODB - wrestling news and rumors - tna rosterWell I guess I should calm down a little.
It appears now that ODB may actually be the new TNA Knockout Champion since Cody Deaner was on her side.
The finish of the match though with Cody rolling up Velvet Sky and getting the win, and Deaner grabbing the belt from ODB and running to the back....
That leaves ugly questions in my mind.
Either way, there is no excuse for the womens title to change hands in a side show like that.
ODB has been wrestling for over 10 years and deserves more respect than TNA showed her.
Heck, they all do.

Kurt Angle's arrest is making headlines in the main stream media, but its pretty much known now that his arrest was partly at least because of him violating a restraining order that Rhaka Khan (Trenesha Biggers) had filed against him. has the officer's report on their site and here is part of the report concerning Rhaka....
" (She) stated she was at the Starbucks Store at the Robinson Towne Center outside at a table using the internet because she was scared to use the computer at her residence as she was in fear of Angle.
At this time, she saw Angle circle the parking lot three times; staring at her while she was outside.
(She) stated she then hurriedly left the area and saw Angle in the silver Cadillac.
She drove to Crucible Research by Giant Eagle and observed Angle in the Giant Eagle parking lot "circling" in his vehicle.
She stated to me that she could see Angle accessing her cell phone that she left in the car and feared he was deleting her text messages and pictures she had of past abuse against Angle.
(She) stated she then called 911 to report the incident. Angle was processed without incident and lodged into a holding cell to await arraignment."
You can read the full report on their website here:

There's an article at Dayton Daily News about Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria, Tara) and her future female MMA career.
"Following in the footsteps of Brock Lesnar and fellow heavyweight Bobby Lashley, Lisa Marie Varon — perhaps better known as “Victoria” to World Wrestling Entertainment fans — is heading to the world of mixed martial arts."
You can read the full article here

Maybe if TNA keeps acting like this, ODB can go into MMA too.


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  2. you're right ODB deserves much better. I met her after a show in Binghamton, NY and she was one of the nicest wrestlers I ever met and she's one of the most talented on the TNA roster. Why is she relegated to this stupid Deaner angle?
