Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson helping Hurricane Ike Victims

Former WWE Divas Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson are working to help victims of Hurricane Ike.
Dawn posted on her MySpace detailing what they are doing, and here is a link to an article on WWE Daily.com filling everyone in on their efforts.
All the info you need to help can be found at the following link:

This proving once again, these women are not only beautiful on the outside.


  1. I think woman in wrestling is great because it gives woman a chance to compete is a traditional guys sport. I had to wrestle a girl once in a contest and I was defeated and pinned. I was just a kid but it made me respect her. All I have to say is GO GIRL!

  2. I would love to be involved in woman's wrestling because woman can do anything they want to do. I am not a male chavanist as I accept that female wrestling is here to stay.
