Friday, June 8, 2007

TNA: Gail Kim defeated Ms. Brooks

Gail Kim defeated Ms. Brooks. Kim chased her around ringside before Brooks kicked her in the ring. Kim tried a reverse rolling cradle, Brooks held on to the ropes, but Kim caught her with a Thesz press and punches. Kim did a rolling wrist lock off the top rope, a body slam and went to the top rope, but Brooks tossed the referee into the top rope, where Kim crotched herself. Brooks rammed her knees into Kim’s back for a one count. They promoted an opportunity to win a date with Christy Hemme. Brooks did a gut wrench suplex for a two count. Kim came back with a huracanara, several clotheslines and a kneedrop for a two count. Brooks got a jawbreaker and tried a TKO, but Kim reversed it into a cradle for the pin. Roode came out, but Kim attacked him with punches before Brooks tugged her by the hair and clotheslined her to leave her laying. Roode flicked his sweat onto Kim

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technorati tags:sports wrestling ,professional wrestling ,pro wrestling news ,pro wrestling ,wrestling wrestler ,wrestling wrestlers ,wrestling ,wrestling news ,women's wrestling ,women of wrestling ,girls wrestling ,ladies wrestling

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